Japanese Society for Sonic Arts: “Mario Davidovsky’s ‘Sound-farbenmusik.” Tokyo, June 29, 2014
Japanese Society for Sonic Arts: Tokyo, June 29, 2013 “Mario Davidovsky
“Dialectic in Miniature: Schoenberg’s ‘Sechs Kleine Klavierstücke Op. 19.’” Ex Tempore Summer 2010
“The Music of the Critique of Pure Reason.” Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities 2008
“Surrealism in New York.” New Music Jukebox (American Music Center) Fall 2009.
“Debussy, Wolpe and Dialectical Form.”Contemporary Music Review: Stefan Wolpe Issue (Spring 2008)
“Jews and the Dada Movement: Tristan Tzara and Stefan Wolpe.” Congress Monthly March/April 2006.
“Debussy, Wolpe and Dialectical Form.” Ex Tempore 10/2 2005.
“Debussy, Wolpe and Dialectical Form.” Society of Music Theory: Seattle, Nov. 11-14, 2004.
”The Proportions of Density 21.5: Wolpean Symmetries in the Music of Edgard Varèse” in On the Music of Stefan Wolpe, Austin Clarkson, ed. Pendragon (Hillsdale, New York: 2003)
“Questions of Musical Meaning,” Novus et Antiquus: Ball State U: Oct. 11 2002
“Stefan Wolpe’s Dialectical Logic: A Look at the ‘Second Piece for Violin Alone.’” Perspectives of New Music Vol. 40/2 (2002)
“Wolpe, Varèse and the Persistence of Surrealism,” Taking Liberties With Sound”: Network for New Music, April 18 1997 Philadelphia, PA
Stefan Wolpe, “On Proportions” trans. Matthew Greenbaum. Perspectives of New Music 34/2 (1996)
”The Proportions of Density 21.5: Wolpean Symmetries in the Music of Edgard Varèse”:The Stefan Wolpe International Festival-Symposium Toronto May 1993